Textantrieb | UText/1 | UText/1.2 Manual

Operation Index

All tags, functions and hooks

This page lists all predefined output tags, script functions and add-in hooks in UText/1.2 in alphabetical order.


! (function): operating system shell call

ab (tag): angle brackets

aborting (hook): aborting script execution

b (tag): html tag <b>

bind (tag): set module bindings

bind (hook): set output bindings

br (tag): html tag <br>

case (function): conditional evaluation group

cb (tag): curly brackets

cd (function): change directory

clear (function): remove a setting value

clone (hook): cloning UText object

closetag (tag): html close tag

cnum (tag): child number

code (tag): render code

cref (tag): item cross-references

cu (function): change unit

d (tag): standard date

declare (function): add a setting

dl (tag): long date

doctype (tag): document type line

download (tag): internal download link

ds (tag): string date

dump (tag): dump text repository

else (function): conditional evaluation

em (tag): html tag <em>

erase (function): delete the text repository

feed (tag): feed UTL

file (tag): resolve local file names

for (function): iterate through argument values

foreach (tag): traverse text

get (tag): return setting value

get (function): output a setting value

getfile (hook): reading a UTL source file

header (tag): header line

hellip (tag): html entity &hellip;

i (tag): html tag <i>

if (tag): conditional values

img (tag): embed image

init (hook): instantiating UText object

inline (tag): convert a multiline string to a single line

lf (tag): newline

li (tag): html tag <li>

link (tag): internal page link

lit (tag): literal output

ln (function): separate with new line

lnsp (function): separate with space and new line

load (tag): load module

load (hook): loading module

may-declare (function): add a setting, if it does not exist

mdash (tag): html entity &mdash;

meta (tag): header meta name line

more (tag): hidden text

n (tag): internal link by name

nav (tag): website navigator

navigators (tag): load navigators data

newpage (tag): set the name of the webpage being generated

newsite (tag): set the url of the website being generated

nopreprocess (tag): evaluate without preprocessing

nz (tag): expand if non-zero length

ol (tag): html tag <ol>

opentag (tag): html open tag

out (function): output with tag expansion

perl (tag): execute perl code

.post (tag): output postprocess

.pre (tag): shortcut preprocess

print (tag): console output

print (function): console output

q (tag): quotation marks

read (tag): read file

reset (function): reset UText object

save (tag): save a file

save (function): save a file

sb (tag): output square brackets

script (tag): UText Script interpreter

select (function): traverse text

sep (tag): separator

set (function): assign a setting value

show (function): show defined settings

sp (function): separate with space

sub (tag): html tag <sub>

sup (tag): html tag <sup>

tab (tag): tabulator

time (tag): timestamp

u (tag): get unit information

ul (tag): html tag <ul>

unbind (tag): remove module bindings

unbind (hook): remove output bindings

undeclare (function): remove a setting

url (tag): external web link

utl (tag): express in UTL

v (tag): get value

vv (tag): get literal value

when (function): conditional evaluation

xml (tag): xmlify

z (tag): expand if zero length