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types add-in

This add-in module is meant to provide parsers for common text structures. It currently supports tables.


To scan a table you define once such a structure:

^ <table definition name> : table {
 ^ name : string
 ~ type <type of the whole table>
 ~ line <type of each row>
 ~ ID <column containing the row key>
 ~ column <name of the first column>
 ~ column <name of the second column>
 ~ column ...
 ~ hide <name of a column not to be output>
 ~ hide ...
 ~ separator <separation char between each column>

After that you can set up a particular table entering a row in each line separating columns with the choosen character:

~ <table definition name> <table name> [
<columns of first row>
<columns of second row>


Suppose you have a structure such as:

^ Books {
 ^ Book {
  ^ Title : string

Then you can set this definition:

^ Booklist : table {
 ^ name : string
 ~ type Books
 ~ line Book
 ~ column ISBN
 ~ column Title
 ~ hide ISBN
 ~ separator ' '

You can now enter a book list with this lines:

~ Booklist BooksOnKant [
0820422525 Imagination and Depth in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
3050023163 Nachforschungen zu Briefen und Handschriften Immanuel Kants

The parser will then register the following units:

=BooksOnKant ~Books {
 =0820422525 ~Book {
  ~Title Imagination and Depth in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
 =3050023163 ~Book {
  ~Title Nachforschungen zu Briefen und Handschriften Immanuel Kants